Just an update on what I have been up to since my last post. For starters I have been putting in some time helping out with the open source project http://www.bugnetproject.com/. For the most part I have been doing slot of refactoring and general cleanup of the code base. I have also have been doing some UI standardization to make the UI more consistent across the different sections of the site.
From the site:
BugNET is an open source issue tracking project built using C# and the ASP.NET platform. The main goals are to keep the codebase simple, well documented, easy to deploy and scalable.
It has been interesting helping out on an open source project along with the other developers and I have enjoyed working on it so far. I got started working on it because the company I work for http://core49.com needed a bug tracking system that would us to track bugs/issues as well we wanted clients to be able to enter issues as well. The first thing I did for the project was update the email template engine to use Xml/Xslt to allow for an easier way to generate some of the issue emails that get sent out.
I look forward to doing more work on the project in the New Year as there are some cool ideas on the drawing board for making it even better.